Tuesday, October 20, 2009


...today i'm here to stand up for christianity. ...i may have just given you a reason to not read any further and surf to your next destination, but i feel this is necessary. for those of you who are curious where i'm going with this, it's simple. media, public society, and even government at this point has seemed to almost deny christianity as a viable religion. it seems that all other beliefs are protected so closely, even by those that don't hold any of it close to their heart. if a comment is made in public in a negative manner towards the jewish faith, it's a hate crime, if it's towards the muslim faith, it's a prejudice, if it's towards buhddism, it's a hate crime, if it's towards anything but christianity it is looked at as a dispicable, non-tolearnt view. however, when someone has the balls to admit he believes in Jesus Christ, goes to church, or has a faith in the God-breathed creation of mankind, it is almost always poked fun at...phrases like "bible thumper", and "jesus freak" ect. are often used, and somehow socially acceptable. when did the faith that this country was founded on, become something of a joke, while all the other faiths are guarded and protected so closely? it seems like we are being taught to be so tollerant of others and their personal beliefs as long it fits within one of the other categories. even those that don't have faith in anything, or consider themselves athiests, have their "non-beliefs" guarded and protected. the pledge of alliegence was removed from the school systems because it said "...one nation under God..", our currency; money, is being slowly taken out of circulation and replaced with such that does not say "IN God we Trust". i think we should all be extremely tollerant of ALL forms of faith and religion; that is the freedom our country has fought soooo hard for through the ages. it looks as though our youth is being taught through the example of the media, public society and so on, that if you let it be known that you consider yourself a christian, then you better keep it to yourself or be prepared to be mocked. ??? i feel like we are being hurded into an athiest society, not because of the belief or non-belief of it all, but because it is the safest place to be...free from persecution, and mockery. i understand that trends come and go in circles, but when did tollerance of different faiths fall into "trends"? i wonder what faith, or religion, it will be cool to be apart of next week? will it be the faith of the "Jedi"?

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