Thursday, October 15, 2009

why i decided to do this...

i sometimes think about stuff waaaaaayyyyyy too much, and never seem to actually finish a thought. sometimes it's important, and sometimes it's trivial. either way, the lack of closure, or the happenstance of losing track of my mind, and the "where the hell is this goin" mentality breeds the need . sometimes i feel like my life seems to read like the "run-on sentences" i too often use when trying to describe the contents of my always-spinning wheel of a mind.
so, without further adue, the short and tall of it all seems best to be summed up with the train of thought that sometimes a little distraction is exactly what we need, wether it be a distraction from the little things, or a little distraction from the big things.
It's these important vacations from the irrelevant chapters of the day that we tend to focus so strongly on, that are almost mandatory in order to remain aware of the little beauties that surround us. Now is the time to be; yes to simply "be". However, it is not the time to "be simple". How do you explain "time", and all the times it's showed up at your front door at the most inconvenient times? Well, "time" is like clockwork, but only better. It can never be fooled. It keeps score for all of those times you've taken your eyes off the game.
Sometimes it almost seems as though we've forgotten what it means to live our lives one breath at a time; to be the last one up the mound and still feel like you are king of the hill, and to walk down the sidewalk looking directly into the eyes of every soul you pass. And with a smile on your face. It's these little moments of inspiration that we step over so carefully like a puddle in the path.
It's those small town, dime-store philosophies that we need to heed in order to keep our eyes on the road and both hands on the wheel, even when we're blinded by the traffic. Indulge once in a while? No. Indulge eternally, because even a song has to end. Just merely redefine the boundaries and depth of our so-called self control, and our so-called refined discipline. Once we step outside, we can see that the cliche' american dream is probably the most realistic abnormality. This is yet closer to us than we'd allow ourselves to consciously realize. We've all got the poison, and we all Know it. "Wether we know it or not."
...see what i mean?

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