Saturday, October 17, 2009

running out of smooooth...

...our past seems to be the only place to see a great example of what a man was to be. smooth, shivalrous, confident, upstanding, independant, honorable, yet also a rebel, (against what he believed was wrong), sometimes a trouble-maker; when everything had gone too stale and needed some shaking up, curt and kind. the "silver screen" portrayed such great examples of these things, many older books and plays portrayed such greart examples of these things. it didn't matter what you looked like, who you hung with, what you did to pass the time, what your interests or hobbies were, what kind of women started your motor... you could still be all of those things, and none of those things. Perfect examples, these men as men, and the charachters they so often portrayed: Paul Newman, Marlon Brando, Steve Mcqueen, ect....
today, we seem to have lost something in translation. if you're not the typical abercrombie & bitch wearin, escalade sittin on 24's drivin, platnum grill teethin, sterotype, then you aint got it. ??? bling shming. not at all smooth, not at all likely to open the door for a lady, not at all likely to stand up for the little guy, or even the big guy. not unless that is, someone stepped on the tip of your puma's or talked trash about the size of your chain. WTF
smooth, where the hell have you gone? watch a movie today or read a new book or see a music video, and all our youth has to look up to for men of example, is a few and far between poor excuse for something we should shake our heads at, not model our vocabulary after. where oh where have you gone mister mans man? the closest thing we seem to get nowadays in our "popular culture" is when hollywood decides to do a throwback to a classic, or give us a sampling of the oldschool in something new.'s one thing to give a homage, it's another to rip it off, however i guess we got to take it when we can get it.
time for some new examples men! be it. live it. do it.
there are a few, you've just got to look really hard. it's the self-made, smart and smooth, well-spoken badasses like Jesse James for example. but hey, all most people know about him is "he's that guy from monster garage, right?" ...ugh.

it just seems like todays popular culture is definately running out of smooth.

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